"When you begin to feel stress, and the symptoms that come along with it, remember to practice these following coping skills:
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself or practice meditation.
- Get some kind of physical activity every day. Start with a short walk or stretching.
- Do an activity you enjoy.
- Talk to a trusted friend or family member about how you are feeling.
- Maintain good health habits. Eat well-balanced meals and avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. A healthy body tolerates stress more effectively.
Download CtC's Guide to Stressing Less"
Source: https://www.changetochill.org/stress-and-anxiety/
Reflection Question: Which strategy helps you most often? Which strategy do you not use as often and why?
Source: https://www.strong4life.com/en/emotional-wellness/coping/practicing-deep-breathing