Language Matters

"Knowing about something is not the same thing as knowing something. Increasing awareness around mental health is important; understanding and choosing the right language is even more important. This tool helps break down common words used to describe mental health, mental distress and mental illness. Understanding the differences between these words is essential in getting the right kind of support if needed and to be clear about the language used when telling others how you feel."

"Avoid using words like "crazy," "psycho," "nuts," "junkie" or "loony." Phrases like "feeling bipolar," "being paranoid" or saying something is "OCD" can also add to stigma. Stigma can lead people to label, stereotype and look down on someone with a mental health condition or addiction. This can contribute to feelings of shame and embarrassment for individuals and prevent them from getting proper care."

Source: Change to Chill

Reflection Question: Are there words or phrases that you use or you hear often that may contribute to stigma?
