If you are considering joining a military branch after high school, there is much to be thought through. It is life altering and should not be decided on quickly. You can start with this list of 10 considerations. Interview friends, family, or acquaintances that have been in various military branches. Understand all the reasons why you want to join the military, as there are reasons you should NOT join the military. Enlisting is a huge commitment ("What You Should Know Before Committing"). You will also need to see if you meet eligibility requirements (physical fitness, age, educational, and citizenship) . Learn about the process of enlisting which includes taking the ASVAB Test. Learn about the various branches of the military and explore what training, career paths, and other benefits each has to offer (you can start here). There is both part-time and full-time options. Note that the college benefits and job training can vary. Do not assume you'll have a full ride through college or always have a clear career path after service. Talk to recruiters for the various branches you're considering, here are some questions to ask. Take note that recruiters are in a sales position. They have a lot of good information and can be your guide for their branch; however, you need to be discerning about what will be the best fit for you. If you decide to list, do not sign an enlistment agreement without thoroughly reading it and consulting with trusted people in your life. Ask for a copy to take home - it does not need to be signed the day you receive it. If it's not in your agreement, it is not guaranteed. Military service is honorable, and our nation needs good people in the branches. It might be the right fit for you, but it may not be. Take the time, research, and consideration to learn if it's a path you want to take.